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Sir Roland Wilson Pat Turner Scholarship

Full pay postgraduate scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian public servants.

We offer one-to-three year postgraduate scholarships to high performing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian Public Service (APS) employees from APS 4 to Senior Executive Service Band 1. Scholarships enable the development of research, analytical and leadership skills, and support scholars to study topics of national significance and strategic importance to the APS at either The Australian National University (ANU) or Charles Darwin University (CDU).

Scholars and alumni build connections between academia and the APS, and drive the development of evidence-based public policy.

An image of sculpture, Winged Harvest, by Fiona Foley
Winged Harvest by Fiona Foley

We offer two intakes per year for Sir Roland Wilson Pat Turner coursework scholarships and one intake per year for research scholars.

Semester 2 2024 applications

Candidates wishing to begin a postgraduate coursework program at ANU or CDU in Semester 2 of 2024 should apply to their chosen university by 31 December 2023.

Semester 1 2025 applications

Candidates wishing to begin any level of postgraduate study (coursework or research) at ANU or CDU in semester 1 2025 should apply to their chosen university by 31 March 2024.

Please find further details below.


To be eligible for the Sir Roland Wilson Pat Turner Scholarship, applicants must:

  • be a substantive APS 4 to SES Band 1 level Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander employee
  • have at least three years' service in the APS
  • have been accepted into a postgraduate coursework or Higher Degree Research program at ANU or CDU.

Scholarship program selection process overview and key dates

Stage 1: ANU or CDU application
  • October 2023

    Online information session held between October 2023 and February 2024

    11 October 2023
    23 November 2023
    1 February 2024

    PhD and MPhil research proposal writing workshop

    9 January 2024

    Please register to attend via the links above.

    ANU and CDU applications open for scholarship applicants

    All candidates need to apply for an ANU or CDU postgraduate coursework or Higher Degree Research program.

    ANU: Candidates can find out more about studying a Master by Research or PhD, including details on how to apply, via the ANU website. Candidates wanting to study at Master by coursework at ANU can apply through UAC, or, depending on the program or course, directly to ANU.

    CDU: Candidates wanting to study a Master by Research or PhD at CDU can apply through the Office of Research and Innovation. Candidates wanting to study a postgraduate qualification by coursework at CDU can apply through SATAC or UAC.

    All higher degree research candidates, including Master of Philosophy and PhD, need to develop a research proposal. The research topic should be of public interest and strategic priority, of relevance and enduring interest to the APS. For more information about topics to consider, refer to the Scholarship Information Pack.

    Higher degree research candidates should identify an academic supervisor and liaise with them as they develop their research proposal.

    Once you submit your application, email the Foundation with your ANU or CDU application number.

    Applications for Semester 2 2024 close 31 December 2023 - this is for postgraduate coursework programs beginning in Semester 2 2024 at ANU or CDU only.

    Applications for Semester 1 2025 close 31 March 2024 - this is postgraduate coursework programs, PhD and Masters by research beginning in semester 1 2025. 

Stage 2: Agency application
  • Semester 2 2024 applications: January - February 2024

  • Semester 1 2025: April - June 2024

    Internal agency selection processes.

    Once you have a letter of offer confirming you have been accepted into the program from your chosen university, you need to apply through your agency.

    Complete the Sir Roland Wilson Foundation Scholarship Application Form and submit it to your agency with supporting documents.

    Agencies select the candidates they wish to put forward for shortlisting and interview by the Sir Roland Wilson Foundation selection panel.

    Agencies look for the following attributes when selecting applicants for shortlisting:

    - a record of high performance within the APS and leadership potential (commensurate with the level and duration of employment).

    - a demonstrated commitment to the pursuit of a career in the APS.

    - possession of academic credentials and a capacity to conduct high quality, sustained study/research, with acceptance into an approved program at ANU or CDU.

    - identification of an area of study/research that is of public interest and strategic priority, of relevance and enduring interest for the APS.

Stage 3: Foundation shortlisting and interviews
  • Semester 2 2024 applications: April 2024

  • Semester 1 2025 applications: August 2024

    Agencies send endorsed applications to the Foundation

    The Sir Roland Wilson Foundation selection panel reviews the nominations and invites shortlisted candidates to interview.

    Shortlisted candidates attend interviews.

Stage 4: Outcomes
  • Semester 2 2024 applications: April 2024

  • Semester 1 2025 applications: September 2024

    Candidates notified of outcomes

    Successful candidates will be offered a Pat Turner Scholarship to commence in July 2024 (Semester 2) or February 2025 (Semester 1).

  • Semester 2 2024 applications: May 2024

  • Semester 1 2025 applications: November 2024

    New scholar orientation

  • Semester 2 2024 applications: July 2024

  • Semester 1 2025 applications: February 2025

    Scholars start the scholarship program and their studies

Administrative arrangements

Scholars and their agency enter into a Deed of Agreement stipulating the agency’s conditions of release for you to participate in the scholarship.

Sir Roland Wilson Pat Turner scholarships are full-pay scholarships. Scholars receive financial support from their agency, paid either as salary (at the scholar’s substantive grade) or as an equivalent financial payment. Taxation, superannuation and other employment conditions continue to apply, as per the relevant enterprise agreement. The Australian Public Service Commission provides advice to scholars’ agencies regarding the drafting of the Deeds of Agreement.

Scholarships are awarded in accordance with the ANU or CDU Conditions of Award. 

Scholarship Enquiries
The Sir Roland Wilson Foundation is a partnership between The Australian National University, Charles Darwin University and the Australian Public Service.