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The Foundation

Honouring the contribution of Sir Roland Wilson, we bring together The Australian National University, Charles Darwin University and the Australian Public Service to build public policy capability and leadership through postgraduate scholarships, professional development and networking opportunities.

We provide scholarships that invest in research and development opportunities for public servants. Our scholars study in a range of fields, such as public administration, economic and social policy, data and cyber security, law, and environment and climate management. They bring back to their agencies important connections with academia as well as expertise in research, ready for successful leadership in the public service.

The Foundation was established in 1998 by a generous donation from the Wilson family as a partnership between ANU and the Australian Public Service. In 2019, we expanded this partnership to include Charles Darwin University.


Our Board is responsible for the governance, management, strategic direction and performance of the Foundation. The Board consists of University and Australian Public Service representatives. The Nominations Committee Charter provides guidelines for nominations and appointments to the Foundation Board.

The Australian National University (Sir Roland Wilson Foundation) Statute 2019 provides our overarching governance framework.

Our 2020–2025 Strategic Plan outlines our vision of a strong public service with world class leadership and capability to utilise research to address nationally and globally significant public policy issues.

Our two advisory groups guide the Foundation in achieving our purpose, goals and objectives:

  • The Alumni Advisory Group represent the interests and views of a growing alumni community and contribute to the activities of the Foundation and its partners.
  • The Pat Turner Advisory Group consult with the Foundation on activities related to Pat Turner scholarships and scholars.
The Sir Roland Wilson Foundation is a partnership between The Australian National University, Charles Darwin University and the Australian Public Service.